The Pet Care Services Association Guidelines for Human Resources - Book Only
Laura McGreevy, President of Personnel Profiles of KY, has written outstanding guidelines for human resources to help PCSA members build effective pet care facility teams. The package is on CD and outlines HR procedures for every possible situation - hiring, promotions, performance appraisals, benefits, raises, commendations, exits, and more. You'll also receive sections on e-mail and Internet policies, as well as violence in the workplace, and all the current legal issues.
With over 220 pages of information, the PCSA Guidelines for Human Resources is up-to-date as of 2008, and the electronic format allows you to update it for future changes. Issues are neatly separated and easily accessed. Make the changes you require for your environment and management style. Includes a sample employee manual that can be tailored to your needs and an appendix full of commonly used human resource forms.
To view the Guidelines for Human Resources Table of Contents, Please Click Here