All payment systems at PCSA have been designed for the maximum level of security. For the submission of your online payment information, we use advanced, industry-standard SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protection within the web browser. After clicking on a payment link, you will notice the lock icon in your browser, indicating that the transmission of your information will be secure. Please note that pop-up warning message(s) is/are a normal part of the procedure. During this process, the IP address which you are using to access the internet is logged for additional security.
Credit card data processed and stored off-line:
To increase security, all orders are handled and double checked via a human. Furthermore, our credit card processing is done off-line (i.e. off of the Internet) via direct link with our credit card processors. Our credit card records are kept off-line. We have no online credit card database that can be hacked into in any shape or form. Your cards are never processed via an Internet connection.
The forms of payments we accept:
For your convenience, we offer multiple forms of payment. We accept all major credit cards (Visa, MC, Amex and Discover), as well as checks. If you are unable to send payment online, you are free to send payment via mail.
Data Privacy Statement:
Your personal and financial data, whether it be in the form of credit card, check or other information is protected in our billing office, and will never be sold or otherwise intentionally shared. Your email address will also not be intentionally shared will any other party. Note: we do reserve the right to communicate data that is vital to the safe and ongoing operation of your account with our server and bandwidth vendors. We also reserve the right to share personal data with third parties in the event you violate terms or service, do not pay your bills, or are under a fraud investigation.