Pet Care Services Association is a proud sponsor of the Outstanding Pet Care Expo. For more information on this exciting event please read below.

According to this Business Week article, American's now spend $41 BILLION on their pets. Despite a serious recession, the American Pet Products Association estimates Americans will spend $47.7 billion on pets in 2010, up 5% from last year and nearly double pet spending a decade ago. Consumers are insisting on above average services and companies.
If not, it should be!
Outstanding Pet Care Conference & Expo 2010
The Outstanding Pet Care Conference & Expo 2010 will provide you with fresh ideas and the necessary tools to make your business grow and become part of the amazing positive trend in the pet care industry.
Educate. Learn from the industries leaders on providing the finest in pet care for your pet clients; how to motivate your employees; and how to introduce profit yielding products that will excite your customers.
Empower. Network with the industry's most influential and successful business owners in the pet care industries. Find out how they do it and how you can too.
Energize. Increase your business with powerful strategies to help you realize the opportunities you have in your own businesses.
Attend the Outstanding Pet Conference & Expo and get ready for greater success.
(click for details)
For more information visit